Nicholas Nagle, Project Manager in Pittsburgh, PA, United States
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Nicholas Nagle

Verified Expert  in Project Management

Project Manager

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Toptal Member Since
February 1, 2021

Nicholas有幸在敏捷软件开发中担任过多个职位, from business analyst to scrum master, agile coach, project and program manager, and senior manager, allowing him to expand his learning and hone his skills. Nicholas worked in multiple industries through various positions, which helped him see software development through different lenses, 使他能够制定一种独特而全面的方法来推动项目和应对挑战.

Project Highlights

Cigarette Pricing Application Revamp
Utilized Scrum to revamp an on-premise tobacco pricing solution, focusing on both retail and wholesale environments. 我们通过开发和集成API工具来帮助实现自动化,从而使解决方案更有效地工作.
Salesforce Transformation
帮助领导一个石油和天然气行业客户完成规模化敏捷框架的转型, which standardized their cloud solution across multiple teams.
Supplier Risk Initiative
Helped an IT client develop and implement a new supplier risk platform.


Work Experience

Senior Manager - Delivery

2021 - PRESENT
  • Served as the head of delivery for Yara AgTech solutions. 负责农业技术领域的全球垂直交付成功和投资组合健康.
  • 针对Yara International的数字产品,为敏捷交付提供投资组合级策略.
  • 领导战略,创建新的交付结构,并将Yara的工作方法转化为SAFe框架.
  • Developed the delivery competency framework, highlighting roles and responsibilities throughout the delivery organization.
  • 对挣扎中的团队保持问责制,并通过帮助采用SAFe原则授权他们取得成功, ultimately resulting in a 90% predictability PI over PI.
  • Partnered with the product team to set up the "Intake Process,允许适当的PI计划待办事项的细化和与产品和区域请求相关的优先级.
  • 对全球300多人进行了敏捷最佳实践和工作方式的培训.
  • 在PI计划中以实例为指导,在五个价值流中同步和交叉计划.

Agile Coach

2019 - 2021
  • 作为主要的主题专家,带领客户协助大规模敏捷框架转型.
  • 协助多个客户采用敏捷方法,并帮助从团队级别扩展到项目级别.
  • 帮助多个客户组建新的scrum团队,以支持云和内部部署解决方案中新确定的计划.
  • Adopted the scrum master, product owner, 以及业务分析师的角色来帮助新团队,并指导他们完成所有的Scrum仪式.
  • 指导现有的scrum管理员和产品负责人,帮助纠正现有的反模式和正确的待办事项细化,以提高吞吐量.
  • 为现有客户和独立团体提供并领导规模化敏捷框架课程.

Scrum Master

2015 - 2019
SAP Ariba
  • Managed the implementation and deployment of upstream solutions, including supplier lifecycle and performance, supplier risk, contracts professional, and sourcing professional.
  • Adopted the Scrum framework in order to implement client solutions, as they previously followed traditional project management methodologies.
  • 征求客户需求,并将业务需求转换为产品待办事项列表中的功能和用户描述,并利用历史速度为客户导出功能交付路线图的时间轴.
  • 作为客户联络人,确保路线图被遵守,并根据客户需求不断完善功能,促进优先级. Escalated any blockers and risks to final handoff delivery.
  • Facilitated Scrum ceremonies and events on client initiatives, 将主题和特性从SOW分解为用户描述,以便团队进行增量开发.
  • Facilitated the backlog refinement with product owners, ensuring the top priority items were addressed in the next iteration.
  • 保护团队免受任何范围增加或其他干扰其开发周期的干扰.
  • 利用Scrum和看板最佳实践来管理支持团队和技术团队之间的工作量.
  • 促进团队实践的建立,以持续改进他们的开发生命周期,并施加有限的在制品来增强团队的吞吐量.
  • 作为Scrum框架和传统项目管理之间的协调点,每周与指定的支持联系人召开进度电话会议, following up on current projects, and diagnosing and logging existing issues.

Scrum Master

2010 - 2015
American Eagle Outfitters
  • 以业务分析师的身份加入团队,并在首席scrum主管不在时,在sprint计划仪式和其他仪式上担任团队的备用scrum主管. Promoted to scrum master for ORPOS implementation and support team.
  • 在Jira中建立了一个执行新商店上线的新框架,并定义了bug修复/启用者待办事项.
  • 参与管理,向高层领导汇报团队状况, including large blockers, burn down, and demo or release communications.
  • 体现仆人式领导风格,推动团队通过Scrum流程,并围绕共同的待办事项进行安排.
  • Created continuous flow framework for bug fix/enabler backlog execution, which took open items down from 500+ to under 150 open tickets.
  • 与门店运营和技术团队合作,在美国和英国推出新的Oracle POS系统.

Cigarette Pricing Application Revamp

Utilized Scrum to revamp an on-premise tobacco pricing solution, focusing on both retail and wholesale environments. 我们通过开发和集成API工具来帮助实现自动化,从而使解决方案更有效地工作.

Managed the overall project and acted as a scrum master, product owner, and business analyst to assist in development. While on the project, 我负责维护预算,并促进对SOW的任何调整. As the scrum master, 我与产品经理一起确定需求,并将故事分解为用户故事的优先级积压,以便采取行动. Additionally, 我促进和组织了所有的scrum仪式,并带领团队通过各种版本完成项目, 当我们设法创建一个交付计划,并交给另一个团队通过看板方法来支持解决方案时.

Salesforce Transformation

帮助领导一个石油和天然气行业客户完成规模化敏捷框架的转型, which standardized their cloud solution across multiple teams.

Acted as scrum master and managed several teams consisting of 5-10 individuals. 我促进了团队和项目级别的所有仪式,并协助从团队向上扩展到投资组合级别.

Supplier Risk Initiative

Helped an IT client develop and implement a new supplier risk platform.

管理5个以上的独立团队,协助开发和推出新的供应商风险解决方案. 收集并维护有组织的、按优先级排序的backlog中的需求,以便团队通过Scrum进行开发. Additionally, I assisted in the rollout and support of the MVP. We utilized both Scrum and Kanban methodologies for development and support.
2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in English

Saint Vincent College - Latrobe, Pennsylvania

FEBRUARY 2020 - MAY 2024

Certified SAFe 5 Program Consultant

Scaled Agile, Inc.

Collaboration That Works

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